Juice Bar POS

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Start your 7-day risk free trial of the full iConnect POS app on all platforms & devices.
No credit card information required.

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Juice up with iConnect POS.

Make the switch to iConnect POS today and see why more and more smoothie & juice bar owners are choosing to use a cloud POS system.

Does your POS seem to be out of juice?

iConnect POS is a powerful cloud solution that does more than just make sales. It also manages your entire inventory and can even let you know when you’re running low on an ingredient.

Make your customers feel at home.

Connect with your customers directly through the iConnect POS app. Email marketing, text message marketing, and loyalty program features give you the ability to tell your customers that you appreciate their business.

Take payment fast.


Let your customers pay how they want. With iConnect you can quickly accept cash, credit, check, gift cards, & more. Our payment processing partners can set you up with a super low rate for processing credit cards as well.